Is the pop-up store a media ?
Nestore affirms loud and clear that the point of sale is a medium, it is even a conviction deeply rooted in our brand DNA. This is why we strive to help brands understand and measure the performance of their point of sale . But we would like to take the time to take you on a journey through the wonderful and very complex world of media, so that you are as convinced as we are of the power of the point of sale in the development of your brand.
The media, the story of a meteoric rise
Si Nestore pense le lieu comme média, il convient de faire un pas en arrière, pour analyser ce que c’est réellement un média. Faites avec nous un plongeon historique pour comprendre l’expansion à travers les siècles de ce merveilleux véhicule d’information, qui a connu une fulgurante accélération avec les innovations technologiques.
The venue as a media
The media have undergone major transformations over the past fifty years, which has had an impact on the world of retail. Previously, brands had defined, permeable and controlled communication channels. Today, which brand can affirm that it controls all of its storytelling? With the emergence of influencers, social networks, “bad-buzz”, a brand can quickly lose control of its story and its content. The pop-up, and more broadly the place, then appear as havens of peace, a space where you can control all of your storytelling. Location is the last medium you can truly master from start to finish.