The ephemeral format: a fad or a sustainable future?

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83% of French people want to make unexpected and original discoveries outside of the big brands and 75% want to have a place dedicated to the ephemeral near their work or home. Following several years of standardization of the experience during their shopping, consumers want to rediscover a feeling of discovery and surprise.

We keep telling you that the customer experience is one of the most important factors in a store. As the definition of the pop-up store indicates, its short-term format gives the possibility of creating a real universe filled with service. It allows you to discover new brands and designers regularly. An important point for consumers who are tired of old brands. And for these, the ephemeral allows you to renew yourself, to rejuvenate yourself, to create buzz or even to launch a new product.

The pop up store is also known to attract the media, it is a real event, if it is well done, the items will drop, a good way to get a message across.

So yes, there is a certain trend to open pop-up stores, but the fashion effects are on the way of distributing within the store itself. Let's take the example of gamification , a big current trend, but we cannot guarantee the sustainability of this strategy. Fashions go out of fashion and then come back. The ephemeral responds to needs that will always exist in the evolution of the market.

We are therefore firmly convinced that this form of retail is far from running out, quite the contrary!

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