What is a pop-up store, or pop-up shops ?

Originally, and by definition , the pop-up store is an ephemeral store that is set up and taken down very quickly. Hence the name “pop up”, appearing for a few days, weeks or even months and disappearing again. This trendy concept is reinventing the commercial real estate and retail market to the delight of consumers.
Aujourd’hui la définition du pop up store évolue et ne concerne plus uniquement les vendeurs ambulants et leur système qui se démonte rapidement. Au contraire, les boutiques éphémères s’ouvrent en grande partie dans des locaux immobiles, même s'il existe encore de nombreux kiosques ou certaines pratiques dites "guérilla marketing”.
If the ephemeral sale is almost as old as commerce itself, we can ask ourselves why the ephemeral store has taken off in recent years, and why brands and customers are so interested in them.
What are the characteristics of an ephemeral boutique?
With durations ranging from a few days to a few months, the commitment, and therefore the risk, is lower. What's more, the administrative procedure is greatly simplified. The best locations are high-traffic areas and shopping streets, mainly in large cities. But the location of a pop-up store varies according to the brand's reputation, target market and objectives. In appearance, a pop-up store is little different from a conventional boutique. And yet, from a marketing point of view, the rarity of the ephemeral boutique is a good way to get the word out about your brand and create a certain marketing buzz. Secondly, integrating pop-up stores into your retail strategy is an effective way of testing a new concept and gathering performance data and customer feedback that can be taken into account for future physical operations.
At Nestore, our pop-up stores are laboratories in which we can explore, propose and test new retail issues.

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