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Rental pop-up store nord marais

LAB 4 Commines

Virtual visit
4 rue Commines
110 m²
5755 people/day
Prosperous population, tourists and locals

Overview of the neighborhood

  • Dynamic, featuring other pop-up stores
  • Nice flow at the end of the week
  • Near the junction of rue Froissart and rue de Turenne

The + of the shop

  • Large format: 110m²
  • A real boutique flat
  • Atypical, charming place
All data are observed averages and may vary according to a number of factors (weather, period, third-party events).

Nestore supports you in your project!

Laura and Eva will get back to you within 48 hours.

Nestore’s opinion

Right in the heart of the Haut-Marais district, this pop up store is perfect for marketing campaigns to raise your profile. The 110m² space includes a terrace, two upstairs rooms and a kitchen: a unique boutique flat!

The latest pop up stores in this space

Our references are currently being updated, come back later :)

Nestore's support in your pop-up store

Selecting a pop-up to suit your needs

Pop-up size and location adapted to your clientele and your objectives. A team dedicated to your project, drawing on its local knowledge and trusted partners.

Assistance with the opening of the pop-up

Advice and recommendations from service providers (merchandising, layout, decoration, etc.). And personalised follow-up to answer your questions after the opening.

Measuring point-of-sale performance

A methodology (developed in the field) and a performance measurement tool (based on past experience) to help you analyse and optimise your point of sale. 

The location of the ephemeral shop

More information about the pop up and its neighborhood

The Haut-Marais district

This pop up store is located in the north-east of the 3rd arrondissement. Close to the junction of rue Froissart and rue de Turenne, the beginning of rue Commines is a fairly dynamic area. Cafés and other ephemeral Marais boutiques surround the pop-up store. The clientele is mainly male, with brands such as Bonne Gueule, Noyoco and Pied de Biche. The perfect location for a men's or home decoration brand.

Description of the pop-up store 4 rue Commines

The pop up store has a unique charm, it's a completely atypical 110m² space. With 70m² on the ground floor, including toilets, kitchen and a long space with lots of storage space. Upstairs, there are two rooms that can be completely closed off. A terrace that can be used for a private cocktail party or as a space to invite your customers in a different way! It's a charming space that will appeal to brands looking to raise their profile or carry out major marketing operations. A large format right in the heart of the Haut-Marais.

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72 rue de la verrerie